Tooth Colored Fillings

There are several reasons why a patient may need a tooth colored, or composite, filling.  A few of these conditions include teeth with chips or cracks, teeth with spaces between them, or teeth with decay present. 

When a patient visits our office and a cavity is detected, he or she will need to have what is called a composite or resin filling to fix the tooth. After Dr. Stirneman removes the decay from the affected tooth, the tooth is prepared and a composite filling is placed and bonded into place with a special light.  The filling itself is color customized to match the patient's natural tooth to create the most aesthetic result possible.  Our office utilizes the most reliable and durable composite materials, which produce the most natural results.  

In the past, amalgam fillings were typically used to fill cavities.  One of the major downsides to using amalgam material was a dark initial appearance that tarnished over time.  These fillings can now be replaced with tooth colored materials, which replicate the appearance of your natural teeth so you will be unable to tell where the restoration, or filling, ends and your tooth begins.  An additional benefit of composite fillings over the older amalgam material is that the composite filling is actually chemically bonded to the patient's tooth.  This differs from the amalgam fillings, which  were held into place in the tooth by small undercuts that held the material in place.  Making these undercuts required more tooth structure to be removed and a larger filling to be placed.  A composite filling is a more conservative option, as less tooth structure is removed.  A composite resin filling is the most conservative, beautiful and long lasting restoration available.  

Dr. Stirneman specializes in tooth colored fillings, and would love to answer any of your questions or set you up with an appointment.  Call us today!